Sunday, February 27, 2011

Launch Options For A 32 Inch Screen


or dissolution of the Quiz at taxi berlin of 19/02/2011. Since no one knew the right answer, no one even waved a short track and it remains the same: You have to hail himself a short-range and pay of course.

What was it that no one knew the right answer? Was the question once again too heavy? Or is it just the same as with the blogger in real life, not the quantity counts - but the quality?

Apparently there are bloggers who actually believe the number of their views correspond 1:1 to the quality of their Bloggs. So I do not know (yawn) ... I think this issue once more with a wise man from the mountain, and says: Fight no delusion!

is the correct solution to the quiz by the way "Neukölln back craps". All non-Neukölln and all non-Berliners I would also "Neukölln back poops" let it go. I do not want our tourists and visitors still the same on demand.

you'll see the sayings by the way, how else could it be somewhere in Neukölln. Where exactly is (still) do not tell. That is the next quiz question: Where in Neukölln have done these pictures? Who knows the right answer first, waving the time the gentrification!

Photo & Text taxi berlin


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