Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Male Brazilian Wax Storie


Grand Central Station, New York

My analyst called me just to get me to my now Congratulations to fulfill prophecy comes to Guttenberg. At the same time he warned me that once again a lot of half-lawyers from West Germany on the Internet, and also on my side, would go. I know he is right. One has even been a "Huh?" reported to me. One recognizes clearly the fact that they can not write complete sentences independently.

I'm not worried. From this full idiots anyway no one understands what I write. My long-West experience can be summed up in one sentence: In the West everything is better - as even the stupid ones are stupid. Actually, one would have to Ossiquote web demand. The would assert themselves heavier than a quota for women in politics. Moreover, it is always too late. Now the West is everywhere.

And the West does best, which did even the communists in the east, when the masses are kept stupid. An example. Something you do not like. You make and do. Get lots of attention, or just share, as they say today. They talk about you, in the newspaper and even the Internet. Finally you will, however, the fateful phrase on the lips, and up the matter at issue you would not be interested. To you it would go so well ...

Whether you really goes well, I doubt it. But at least you have been honest in your boundless stupidity. There is always something good, even in the biggest mess, you have to look long enough. What's the matter, however, in all that is right, is a really good link. I mean one that really connects you. Fuck the odds! The bottom line is it's all about the quality. By the way, even with a link. Few really a link, with the most is you just linked.

Photo & Text taxi berlin


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