Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fta Receivers In Canada

thought I had a few days yet, a new business idea to be on the track, I have to read the current SPIEGEL (Nr.10/5.3.11) on page 53, that me this idea was stolen again. And this from a radio station entirely, as should be different from southern Germany. In fact it is about a contest at the sender GALAXY in Aschaffenburg. There, anyone can apply by means of a grave to award its own free funeral. Upon request, I was under the seal of secrecy given the current favorite, and goes like this:

Look not so stupid
I would also prefer the beach
But I had right of way
Here are my bones
I wish
It Your

would So if you ask me, it sounds to the classic Taxi Driver lyrics. I have since also been a definite suspect. But we have carnival time, even in Berlin, and only a rogue is thinking because we know that bad ...

text taxi berlin


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