Friday, March 4, 2011

I Was Told By Doctor I Havepneonia

My costume Helau! Keywords

Hi all out there,
after much back and forth but then I could still choose a costume. One day before Indian :-) My costume this year was Dr. Gretchen Haase.

So even a quick smock from the hardware store and the tail of a BlutdruckmesgerÀt ready :-) and a few beers and it was then a penis pump,:-D

There was therefore only a name tag to me that the world ... .
I can tell you, it took some time until I cramp the PC were to achieve. There

An entire photo is not visible, because you know so I do not like to see me ... Shy as a deer ;-)

What Your costume?

Until then, all your love

alias Dr. Haase


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