Monday, March 7, 2011

Ringing In The Year And Itchy Nose Myth


question is many a car driver with € 8.889 for a liter of super-E10. The common taxi driver, at least in the capital, can not care. The fueling diesel anyway or does G (r) as (s). What is it, the common taxi driver, so however overtaken more often than is commonly thought, the paranoia .

Should you check with Wikipedia on paranoia, it will be immediately forwarded to paranoia . No idea why this is so - I am only a taxi driver. What I do know for sure is that however it is a self-help workshop in the Bouchéstraße. Best of all, at the is that the really take any!

Whether with background or only Hintergrunz whether Anatolian or Swabian, even ordinary taxi drivers helped there. The will, on presentation of the P-note even with no proven need and also ungeHARTZt their drug of choice: TAXILAN ®

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fta Receivers In Canada

thought I had a few days yet, a new business idea to be on the track, I have to read the current SPIEGEL (Nr.10/5.3.11) on page 53, that me this idea was stolen again. And this from a radio station entirely, as should be different from southern Germany. In fact it is about a contest at the sender GALAXY in Aschaffenburg. There, anyone can apply by means of a grave to award its own free funeral. Upon request, I was under the seal of secrecy given the current favorite, and goes like this:

Look not so stupid
I would also prefer the beach
But I had right of way
Here are my bones
I wish
It Your

would So if you ask me, it sounds to the classic Taxi Driver lyrics. I have since also been a definite suspect. But we have carnival time, even in Berlin, and only a rogue is thinking because we know that bad ...

text taxi berlin

Kitchen Faucet Airlock


Airport Tegel (TXL)

New power for nerves and soul (Always read the small print - but also between the ! Lines)

PS: When colleagues seemed to have worked. (The sleep calmly!)

Photo & Text taxi berlin

Dimensions Of Monopoly Cards

Interior Minister DENIES PRESIDENT

The new appointed Interior Minister, Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU), the thesis of our federation president Christian Wulff (CDU ) objected that Islam belongs to Germany. Some of the stops for a sensation. The sensational thing about it is but just that not Hans-Peter Friedrich easy as even with ministers in our country has become customary, has depreciated by Wulff. Perhaps this But even the fact that the Home Secretary just fresh in the office and the plagiarism debate is still on everybody's lips ...

text taxi berlin

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Alcohol After Jab Hep B


Traveling Road / Friedrichshain

very clear: The opening times of the shop!

Photo & Text taxi berlin

Friday, March 4, 2011

I Was Told By Doctor I Havepneonia

My costume Helau! Keywords

Hi all out there,
after much back and forth but then I could still choose a costume. One day before Indian :-) My costume this year was Dr. Gretchen Haase.

So even a quick smock from the hardware store and the tail of a Blutdruckmesgerät ready :-) and a few beers and it was then a penis pump,:-D

There was therefore only a name tag to me that the world ... .
I can tell you, it took some time until I cramp the PC were to achieve. There

An entire photo is not visible, because you know so I do not like to see me ... Shy as a deer ;-)

What Your costume?

Until then, all your love

alias Dr. Haase

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pros Conventional Oven


wasting their time Most people who do that ... (Or something similar)

I admit it, I bought the title. However, quite legally and above all without somewhere to write. At that time, just after the turn, as the went. With some skill you could abgrabbeln the coal for the title even.

My taxi teacher has done that. The road is even a professor. For me it has only served to road doctor. If I had applied a little more patience in Grabbelcenter, I could now also be already on.

But who knew back then how it all comes again. My taxi teacher, as I said a wise man who knew his way. Who is also aus'm West. However, the you have the honesty and say he's kind of a mama's boy.

I did not mind. At least not until the day, and that not so long ago, when he was in addition to the mother's boy also turned out to be stupid and greedy Westerner. Now I can forget my postdoctoral course.

And exactly why I'm looking for a new business model ...

Photo MetaBlogger

text taxi berlin

Why Do Female Athletes Wear Panties


compliant new business model?

popularly known minor-bidi. Is of course nonsense. The death of costs known life. Not everything that comes out of people's mouth is also true.

It should however be a way that caused the death, in addition to the life, no further costs. The topic I have not chosen me. It was pressed on me literally - from the Internet.

I am interested in the matter personally, but as a business model. The times are hard, but dead is forever. And I want to known to get away from the road. What I lack is the insider knowledge of how to do it exactly, except that the death of the life costs nothing.

why I am addressing you in this way to my readers. Who knows and can help me further. Do not worry, no one hears about me was. I can be silent as the grave. Perhaps one can draw the business even for two ...

geiz So no more rum and give at least some cheap margarine on the dead fish!

Photo & Text taxi berlin

Recognize Driver Microsoft Webcam

know it too (a supplement)

Grabbe Allee / Pankow

I recently had still maintained that it would give nothing for nothing, so I I now no longer so sure. Well, I stepped in some way in advance. This must be remembered in a hurry you. But just to put today's forget too many. Recently, even doctors. And if the can do it, why can not I do this? to ask not only the common grabble as he covered his Grabbelspuren, but also the last good person who has done much good although not as delegates but, at least. And so it is not surprising that the good person now denies the good deed. But why deny the common grabble the Grabbelei? Power but in the end of each ...

Photo & Text taxi berlin

Train Bridge Falsh Games


Donaustraße Neukölln /

also MetaBlogger , who now for years and days on the running board runs from taxi berlin wants from its unexpected Quantensprüngchen . Benefit On one hand I understand his wish. Finally, also has his own opinion, for the most eye-catcher in Alt-Treptow, the Tier Taxi 1 +2 . On the other hand, I have but it also warned. Quantity is not quality automatically. No idea if the common rabble, the tümmelt is now increasingly on my side, with "class versus mass can do something ...

Photo & Text taxi berlin

Free Seating Charts Templates Blog


6 Kathi / Wildenbruchstrasse / Neukölln

Someone says to you, you are good or even important. And what do you do? You believe it! And yet you also know that there is no free lunch in this world. Not even sex. Always and everywhere you must pay.

Even if you only write. Then you have to think about your readers. Even where you have to specify what they want to read. No later than if you live by your Written also want, you should never make the bill without the reader.

colleague Nietzsche once said, "Who knows the reader who does nothing for the reader." But then for whom, the question now is one or the other. And WHAT? But what in particular?

know Here Nietzsche Council colleague: "Of all written, I love only what one writes with his blood Write with blood and you will find that blood is spirit.."

Photo & Text taxi berlin

Hollywood Anal Waxing Hemorrhoids


Stieg me the other day a one who wanted to throw up even as true as he called it. Always out with it, the free immensely, I advised him. Assistance with vomiting was with me still part of the training, which added a long time ago. No idea if the young hoppers still learn from today.

BERLINALE to how it was that drove almost every taxi. At Potsdamer Platz, a colleague was standing before me, who took fifteen minutes to somehow enter the street in his navigation. Some people would be there already have been on target. From rumgeschleiche some colleagues while driving to mention.

Apropo: The patient was on board with me So times really vomit. I support him with all his strength, he spoke well, encouraged him, just let it all out, making him depressed Sun Always swallow that tolerates not human. He coughed a little, tried to choke choked to it, gagged again began to cough ... and what to tell you, nothing came out the front, back only just came out a little smelly fart. Actually, it was not a fart but only a Fürzchen.

My patient felt sorry for me. Since it was started as a Tiger to land a throw rug. And he had to live on. in it in with this whole mess is. Even stuck his finger in the neck did not help with him. Maybe that was just as well. A kind of self-protection. Who wants to see again the dirt again, he has long, far too long, stuffed into the inside. But what I could do for him?

I thought it would be best to take the female part, his courage and went on: It will again. Do not sit under any unnecessary pressure. The Clock I've not yet switched on. Therefore need to pay anything. The first attempt is always free. Do not worry. Next time it will work determined. Have just come to practice a bit. The

had convinced him well. Or was it just the fact that the meter was still at zero, that he soon got up and strolled ...

PS: a tip there was again not!

text taxi berlin

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Aspiration Pneumonia, Bulldogs


Karl Marx Platz / Neukölln

Photo taxi berlin

Funny Sevice Anniversity Speechs


stupid pig

"You can only testify
As my whole people striving
delicately passionate and wild
our big thing is
words, the warmth of otherwise lost
and I know: Every now and again
sings in her bed my songs
- grateful I expect you to:
the ...... Ecker is my
the ...... is my Eckermann "

is by whom? who knows first the right solution, the I explain once again the short rate inclusive of the price adjustment phase after a short connector.

& Photo Quiz taxi berlin

Gay Korean Musterbate

work to rule


My taxi teacher was a wise man who gave us his time yet and quite rightly the Mayor-Proll-bars, as he called it, has warned. Since you should first go in and see if the passenger is at all fit for transport. The trip was for the most part against only the local pub, but there were a fat tip. Assuming, as I said, the passenger was transported.

least since Hartz Four play the mayor-Proll-pubs, which now are called hard-four bars, no longer relevant. The gap has been filled more or less the Moved. The emphasis is more on less, particularly with regard to the tip. Some people wish already back the time when the whole of Berlin was still a huge zoo, where we visited the Bavarian Swabia only have to sometimes allowed to let out the pig, but had returned after one week in their Dreckskäffer.

The worst are undoubtedly those who come from farther south. No later than if you had four of these monkeys roaring in your tax, you know, from whom I speak. A further difficulty is that you know from the beginning that there will be zero tip, because the allegedly not in these southern countries is common. Why should a Berlin taxi driver then offer even a good service? That makes no sense! Work to rule in these circumstances is the maximum we can do it.

Foto&Text TaxiBerlin

Symptoms Of Too Little Stomach Acid

The youth council comes to schools

In the coming weeks, the staff of the office of the Youth City Council come together with active youth city councils in secondary schools in Solihull. The goal all students eligible to vote is to present the Youth City Council.

There is presented not only the new youth council film, but you also get all the info available:

How can I apply?

What awaits future youth councils?

How can I choose?

And 99 other questions!

The following dates are already confirmed (subject to change without notice):

03.03.2011 (Thursday) Mildred-Scheel-Vocational College
03.08.2011 (Tuesday) Pestalozzischule
14.03.2011 (Monday) Realschule Vogelsang
15.03.2011 (Tuesday) Gymnasium Vogelsang
16.03.2011 (Wednesday) Friedrich-Albert-Lange-Schule
17.03.2011 (Thursday) Albert Schweitzer School
17.03.2011 (Thursday) Bergische day school
21.03.2011 (Monday) Central secondary school
03.22.2011 (Tuesday) Carl Russ school
03.24.2011 (Thursday) Geschwister-Scholl-Schule
03.29.2011 (Tuesday) August Big school
03.30.2011 (Wednesday) Technical Berfuskolleg
01.04.2011 (Friday) the total school
Solingen 04.04.2011 (Monday) Middle Schools Höhscheid
05.05.2011 (Tuesday) Humboldt Gymnasium
05.06.2011 (Wednesday) Middle Schools Krahenhöhe
07.04.2011 (Thursday) Middle Schools Ohligs

How To Make Moonstones


CAFE WHA? / Greenwich Village / New York

You walk into the room
With your pencil in your hand
You see somebody naked
And you say, "Who is that man?"
You try so hard
But you don't understand
Just what you'll say
When you get home

Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?

Interval International Sandals Resorts

Grand Central Station, New York

is now official. You must be a Berlin taxi driver from any fool, even in southern Germany, not only to the bill but also cheated, insulted. Because two things are known always a thing is too much, I found myself at the time forced to leave antanzen the police. Thus, the migrant from southern Germany had probably not expected. Probably thought he, the Berlin taxi driver would be just as stupid as those in his home country, or even with him "at home".

Now suddenly he paid for the trip as soon as he has probably never been a paid all his life a taxi ride. The exile from southern Germany is just another way - if he wants! But do we make such a thing? Just make his escape without paying? How is the taxi driver for his family to feed and pay his taxes? If he had such a clientele, you'd have every day to record a new loan.

The infamous migrant from southern Germany was now, after he had paid "completely voluntary", still make the dust. That was of course not, because I had ordered the police officers because of the bad insult. He played now. Man do such things then? As an honorable man? Or you can already speak of a certain infamy? What, however, suffers not only the South German immigrants but the majority of our society.

an insight, which incidentally, is shared by many immigrants from Turkey. Even before the whole pussy cult that has paralyzed the German man, it's his infamy, which makes a man ridiculous. But it gets even better. My dishonorable migrant from southern Germany began its written statement the incident about this: I came out of the restaurant where I drank champagne with friends and got into a taxi ...

That's a screamer, or? Especially the thing with the champagne was an incredibly important detail. The high point was that he, the police, as I had asked them to come calling as witnesses appointed him. As witnesses that I had beaten him while I talked to them. Make the time for yourself! With one hand holding your phone to your ear and suggest that if you have no one else, with the other hand yourself! It still speak into the phone - does not have to be the police! And? Goes well, or?

Strangely, he has the police men on the spot does not tell of the blows. The first occurred to him are in arrears. Whether that has lain at the champagne? Perhaps we should regulate the serving of champagne at newcomers in Berlin in the future a little more. An image of the hand, which I should have beaten him, he had added to his statement the way, yet. One of the machines, and not a doctor! How stupid can a man in southern Germany to be?!

I had then written a fictional story in which I had the guy cut one down. The brighter among you have of course immediately recognized as such. Today, after the case was closed, I wonder whether I had the migrants from southern Germany but not better, a cut down. Maybe I was sitting in jail now so. But that would be given the whole farce is not have been more honorable?

PS: Some people call this farce is also protection perpetrators. Unless of course I would never go ...

text taxi berlin

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Male Brazilian Wax Storie


Grand Central Station, New York

My analyst called me just to get me to my now Congratulations to fulfill prophecy comes to Guttenberg. At the same time he warned me that once again a lot of half-lawyers from West Germany on the Internet, and also on my side, would go. I know he is right. One has even been a "Huh?" reported to me. One recognizes clearly the fact that they can not write complete sentences independently.

I'm not worried. From this full idiots anyway no one understands what I write. My long-West experience can be summed up in one sentence: In the West everything is better - as even the stupid ones are stupid. Actually, one would have to Ossiquote web demand. The would assert themselves heavier than a quota for women in politics. Moreover, it is always too late. Now the West is everywhere.

And the West does best, which did even the communists in the east, when the masses are kept stupid. An example. Something you do not like. You make and do. Get lots of attention, or just share, as they say today. They talk about you, in the newspaper and even the Internet. Finally you will, however, the fateful phrase on the lips, and up the matter at issue you would not be interested. To you it would go so well ...

Whether you really goes well, I doubt it. But at least you have been honest in your boundless stupidity. There is always something good, even in the biggest mess, you have to look long enough. What's the matter, however, in all that is right, is a really good link. I mean one that really connects you. Fuck the odds! The bottom line is it's all about the quality. By the way, even with a link. Few really a link, with the most is you just linked.

Photo & Text taxi berlin

What Signs In Blood Work Does Hiv Show


Source: Google Analytics

Hello everyone out there,
it's that time again ... As people came to my blog?

first Rumpelstößchen - This is still not met ...

second Tapas Vennhauser Allee- Oh yes, there are the really great tapas

third "Mercedes comic" - Oh yes I can someone make one?

4th dark nail - hammer still, stop and give him a fifth

Fingernails split Photos - fetish?

6th Fly leg soup - piglets OO

7th Golf on dresses - there are certainly at VW

8th Hair can grow up to the elbow - much fun doing

9th Jenny Mercedes Cosmetic - wanted what you see?

10th dress heels männlein - I always say "to each his own"

11th purple Mercedes - I would go

12th bare breasts - mean it is not here to see

13th use of lipstick - Lubricate the lips

14th Perfume, the smell of almond rice - I do not know any

15th Schminktip hippie - can Carnival's my photo from last year post

16th what does my name AMU - Eye Make Up

17th schonmal who has worked for mac cosmetic? - I do not

18th how expensive a clasp? - Do you mean a hair clip? Braces? Expensive!

19th x diaries marriage proposal -NEN, MisterHouse I look not

Some entries I've left out, because they were really too crass and perverted! I have here are so bad stuff? ^ ^

Until then, all the love your