Monday, March 7, 2011

Ringing In The Year And Itchy Nose Myth


question is many a car driver with € 8.889 for a liter of super-E10. The common taxi driver, at least in the capital, can not care. The fueling diesel anyway or does G (r) as (s). What is it, the common taxi driver, so however overtaken more often than is commonly thought, the paranoia .

Should you check with Wikipedia on paranoia, it will be immediately forwarded to paranoia . No idea why this is so - I am only a taxi driver. What I do know for sure is that however it is a self-help workshop in the Bouchéstraße. Best of all, at the is that the really take any!

Whether with background or only Hintergrunz whether Anatolian or Swabian, even ordinary taxi drivers helped there. The will, on presentation of the P-note even with no proven need and also ungeHARTZt their drug of choice: TAXILAN ®

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fta Receivers In Canada

thought I had a few days yet, a new business idea to be on the track, I have to read the current SPIEGEL (Nr.10/5.3.11) on page 53, that me this idea was stolen again. And this from a radio station entirely, as should be different from southern Germany. In fact it is about a contest at the sender GALAXY in Aschaffenburg. There, anyone can apply by means of a grave to award its own free funeral. Upon request, I was under the seal of secrecy given the current favorite, and goes like this:

Look not so stupid
I would also prefer the beach
But I had right of way
Here are my bones
I wish
It Your

would So if you ask me, it sounds to the classic Taxi Driver lyrics. I have since also been a definite suspect. But we have carnival time, even in Berlin, and only a rogue is thinking because we know that bad ...

text taxi berlin