Monday, January 24, 2011

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Integration Congress

On Saturday 22.01. were three representatives of the project group "Agenda Pro / Contra Nazi" on the Integration Conference in center of peace. They presented projects that already exist, there were offers around the theme of integration and you could find out what happens in Solingen in the field of integration. Furthermore, the integration concept of Solingen, which is to last until 2020, presented and discussed.
This offer was used by the Youth City Councils and they participated in the issues relevant to them.
was also played by the Youth City Council turned film for naturalization. There was great applause and positive response to it.
has also the project group with the Secretary of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Integration of North Rhine-Westphalia entertain and she was invited once to visit in Dusseldorf.
In summary, one can say that it was a successful conference, which participate in the project group and represent their age group could.


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