Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Advantages And Disadvantages Dbms

Public Youngst'r casting creates many new talents

On Saturday 9/25/2010 found the public casting Youngst'r place in the chamber music room of the City Theater Solingen.
A total of 17 young people most vocal casting and 98% were for the recall on Sunday 03/10/2010 in the City Savings Bank on the Kölnerstr. invited.
It was attended by six young people at dance Casting and 4 of them are now already set for the final on 11.13.2010 in the town of Solingen theater. Furthermore, an additional candidate selected as his replacement.

So you notice the following dates:

Recall: Sunday, 03.10.2010 - City Savings Bank, Kölnerstr.

Final: Saturday, 13.11.2010 - City gets Theater Solingen
=> Maps can be found here

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Running With Mba Implants

first joint meeting of the youth councils Berg

Yesterday (9/22/2010), the first joint meeting Berg of the youth council held in Wuppertal. The cities of Remscheid, Solingen and Wuppertal were many members of the respective youth councils represented.
Each city had prepared specifically an agenda item and presented it at the meeting then the other cities before.
Remscheid dealt with the topic "Müngstener bridge" and explained the problems that would arise if the bridge is no longer updated, but would be closed. The city decided to become active if this were the case.
Solingen devoted to the topic of "naturalization of young immigrants" and said the upcoming seminar in Herne, turned on the youth councils a movie on this topic. Remscheid and Wuppertal found this idea and think now may take as to a project undertaken.
Wuppertal dealt with the topic "Financial assurance" approach and put the savings measures represents the city of Wuppertal, to compare with other cities.
Each of the above agenda items met with other cities to open ears and immediately was discussed about possible opportunities and attempted solutions.
have also been evaluated in the Youth Cultural Festival together and referred to various other points. The evaluation of the youth cultural festival very much positive and all were satisfied with the festival.
All in all, this meeting has very strengthened cooperation and strengthened the community spirit of the three cities. refers

A short video of the meeting can be found here:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Probate Application Form

Last call for this year's Casting Youngst'r

On Saturday 09/25/2010 is where the last dance and song by Casting Youngst'r.
This is your last chance your talent in singing or dancing to prove. Let us not hang
and have the courage to show us your talent. Do not be afraid to come by, because we are not 'Germany sucht den Superstar "and by us lurks not Dieter Bohlen Dare and has been courageous, because we want to support you and promote your talent

So do not forget!

Vocals: Saturday, 09/25/2010, 10 clock in the Theater Solingen
Dance: Saturday, 25/09/2010, 16 clock in the Theater Solingen

further info available here:

Monday, September 13, 2010

Pokemon Red Rom Can't Save

Youth Culture Festival 2010 - a great success

on 11/09/2010 bergische this year's Youth Culture Festival started in Remscheid. There was a large variety of offerings, ranging from dance, theater, and singing to a fashion show. All promotions and offers were a huge success! The Berg youth councils were a total of three stands in the race. In addition to an information booth, should inform the interested young people about the responsibilities of the Youth Town Council, there was a booth where you could play the game "Guitar Hero" and so with other young people together his own rock band could create. The third stand was an old fire engine that was converted to a black box in which the young people could express their views on specific issues. These three action items of the Berg youth councils were very well received by young people. Many wanted the chance to use their musical skills to demonstrate and to express their opinion or advice in the black box at the information booth to be.
All in all, the festival was very peaceful and offered old and young, a lot of fun.

Jessica tits